AIPSAPP offers a range of consultancy services to support the development and implementation of effective parliamentary practices and public policy initiatives. These consultancy services can vary in scope and focus, catering to the needs of Parliaments and their staff, parliamentarians, government institutions, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders.

Here are various types of consultancy services that such an institute may provide:

Legislative Analysis and Drafting:

This consultancy service involves analyzing existing legislation, identifying gaps or areas for improvement, and drafting new laws or amendments to existing ones. AIPSAPP provides expert assistance in drafting legislative proposals, ensuring they are aligned with best practices, constitutional principles, and international standards.

Policy Research and Analysis:

AIPSAPP conducts research on various policy issues to provide evidence-based analysis and recommendations to policymakers. This may include policy briefs, research reports, and impact assessments to inform decision-making processes and shape public policy.

Capacity Building and Training:

These consultancy services focus on building the capacity of parliamentarians, parliamentary staff, and other stakeholders in areas such as legislative procedures, oversight mechanisms, leadership development, and parliamentary ethics. Training programs can be customized to address specific needs and objectives, delivered through workshops, seminars, and online courses.

Parliamentary Reform and Institutional Strengthening:

AIPSAPP provides consultancy services to support institutional reforms and strengthen parliamentary institutions. This may involve conducting assessments of parliamentary structures, processes, and systems, and providing recommendations for reform to enhance effectiveness, transparency, and accountability.



Public Engagement and Outreach:

AIPSAPP Consultancy services in public engagement and outreach aim to promote greater citizen participation in parliamentary processes and decision-making. This may include designing and implementing public awareness campaigns, citizen education programs, and platforms for public dialogue and consultation.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

AIPSAPP provides assistance in establishing monitoring and evaluation frameworks to assess the impact of legislative and policy initiatives. This involves developing indicators, collecting data, analyzing outcomes, and providing feedback to improve effectiveness and accountability in governance.

International Cooperation and Exchange:

Our Consultancy services in international cooperation and exchange facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing between parliamentary institutions worldwide. This may include organizing study visits, exchange programs, and partnerships to promote peer learning and best practice dissemination.

Technical Assistance and Advisory Support:

Parliamentary institutes can provide technical assistance and advisory support on a wide range of parliamentary and public policy issues. This may involve offering expert advice, conducting feasibility studies, and providing strategic guidance to support decision-making processes.

OUR consultancy services play a crucial role in supporting democratic governance, promoting evidence-based policymaking, and enhancing the effectiveness of parliamentary institutions in addressing the needs and priorities of society.