AIPSAPP organizes various types of events to advance its work and achieve its objectives. These events serve as platforms for knowledge sharing, capacity building, networking, and advocacy, engaging a wide range of stakeholders including Parliaments and parliamentarians, policymakers, researchers, civil society organizations, and the public.

Here are some events that help advance the work of AIPSAPP:

Workshops and Training Programs:

AIPSAPP’s Workshops and training programs are essential for building the capacity of parliamentarians, parliamentary staff, and other stakeholders in areas such as legislative procedures, policy analysis, leadership development, and parliamentary ethics. These events provide opportunities for hands-on learning, skill development, and exchange of best practices.

Conferences and Symposia:

AIPSAPP’s Conferences and symposia bring together experts, practitioners, and policymakers to discuss pressing issues, share research findings, and explore innovative solutions in parliamentary studies and public policy. These events facilitate dialogue, debate, and collaboration on a wide range of topics, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and policy discourse.

Webinars, Seminars and Panel Discussions:

AIPSAPP’s Webinars, Seminars and panel discussions focus on specific themes or topics of interest, featuring presentations by experts followed by interactive discussions and Q&A sessions. These events provide platforms for in-depth exploration of key issues, fostering critical thinking, and generating new insights and perspectives.

Roundtable Meetings and Policy Dialogues:

Our Roundtable meetings and policy dialogues bring together stakeholders from government, parliament, civil society, academia, and the private sector to discuss policy priorities, identify challenges, and develop actionable recommendations. These events promote consensus-building, stakeholder engagement, and policy coherence.

Study Visits and Exchange Programs:

AIPSAPP’s Study visits and exchange programs provide opportunities for parliamentarians and parliamentary staff to learn from their counterparts in other countries, institutions, and organizations. These events facilitate peer learning, knowledge exchange, and exposure to different parliamentary practices and public policy approaches.



Public Lectures and Debates:

AIPSAPP’s Public lectures and debates engage the broader public in discussions on issues of public interest, including democracy, governance, human rights, and social justice. These events raise awareness, stimulate public discourse, and encourage civic engagement and participation in democratic processes.

Research Seminars and Colloquia:

Our Research seminars and colloquia showcase cutting-edge research and scholarship in parliamentary studies and public policy. These events provide platforms for researchers, academics, and graduate students to present their work, receive feedback, and engage in scholarly debates.

Capacity Development Workshops for Civil Society:

AIPSAPP’s Capacity development workshops for civil society organizations focus on strengthening their advocacy skills, enhancing their understanding of parliamentary processes, and promoting their engagement in policy advocacy and oversight. These events empower civil society actors to effectively advocate for policy change and hold governments and parliaments accountable.

These events play a crucial role in advancing the work of AIPSAPP by fostering knowledge sharing and experiences exchange, building networks, promoting evidence-based policymaking, and enhancing democratic governance.