Training Programs at AIPSAPP

Training Programs at AIPSAPP

At the African Institute for Parliamentary Studies and Public Policy (AIPSAPP), our training programs are tailored to empower individuals and organizations with the knowledge and skills required to navigate the dynamic landscape of legislative processes, public policy, governance, security, lobbying and more. We offer training in the following critical areas:

1. Legislative Studies:
Our legislative studies programs delve into the intricate workings of legislative bodies and the role they play in shaping policies and laws. Participants gain insights into parliamentary procedures, legislative drafting, and effective decision-making within the African parliamentary context, among many others.

2. Public Policy:
AIPSAPP’s public policy training programs equip individuals with the tools to understand, analyze, and influence public policy. Participants learn how policies are developed, implemented, evaluated, with the ultimate aim of measuring the outcomes of public policies. 

3. Governance:
Our governance training programs focus on enhancing the effectiveness, transparency and gender-sensitiveness of public institutions. Participants gain insights into governance principles, decision-making processes, and accountability mechanisms within the context of African governance structures.

4. Security:
AIPSAPP offers services to bridge the gap between the legislative arm of government and the Executive on matters relating to security where the representatives of the people (the Legislature) is often found limited in its efforts to exercise its oversight responsibilities.  We provide programs to develop and advocate for the passage of legislation to meet the security needs of African states especially in the area of Human Trafficking, food security, counterterrorism strategies and border security. Participants gain practical knowledge and skills to contribute to effective security policies and measures.

5. Lobbying & Advocacy:
AIPSAPP’s lobbying and advocacy training programs provide participants with strategies and techniques to effectively advocate for policies and issues of importance. These programs emphasize the role of advocacy in influencing legislation and shaping public policy decisions.                         

6. Watch Dog Role of Citizens: AIPSAPP trains citizens to play a watchdog role over the Legislature and the Executive arms of government through the creation and establishment of  Pressure groups; advocate for the abolishing of parliamentary privileges aimed at intimidating the people from criticizing their representatives; enhancing citizens participation in the legislative processes by developing mechanisms aimed at the getting members of parliament to play function by organizing public hearing, townhall meetings, and other forums in their , for the legislators to gather inputs from their public to inform their decision-making process and ensure that public policy reflects the diverse needs and preferences of society.

7. Electoral Affairs:
Specializing in electoral affairs, AIPSAPP works closely with bodies and institutions responsible for organizing elections and  to advocate for designing legislation on electoral reforms through voter education programs and mechanisms aimed at ensuring participatory, free and fair elections. offers comprehensive training in electoral processes, election management, voter education, and strategies for ensuring free and fair elections within the Continent of Africa. Participants become experts in the critical aspects of electoral systems and their impact on democratic processes.

Our training programs are designed to enhance the knowledge and capabilities of individuals and organizations, fostering their ability to engage with legislative processes, public policy, governance, security, electoral affairs, among others in the African context. Join us on a journey of learning and empowerment, where your expertise can contribute to positive change in your communities and nations.


Our training programs are designed to meet the specific needs of individuals and organizations across Africa. These programs typically span five days and are primarily conducted in Accra, Ghana. However, we are also flexible and can organize these courses virtually or in various locations across the African continent upon request.